Thursday, October 25, 2012

chanel watches Chapter 14 A Defiance Well

Chapter 14 A Defiance
"Well," began Rand on the evening of the day on which the challenge had been received from the Highpoint Patrol, "what shall we do with this challenge?"
"Accept it, av coorse," cried Gerald. "Shure, they can't bate us more thin foor miles."
"But we only row three," put in Jack.
"Thin it's a safe bet," went on Gerald, "Aven Don might bet on that."
"What's that?" asked Donald.
"That they won't bate us more than foor miles," replied Gerald.
"In my opinion," began Donald, "'tis no good accepting, for we have no boat, and if we did we have no time for practice, and---"
"Can't you think of a few more while you are at it," laughed Rand. "As for a boat we can get the use of the old shell of the Creston Club."
"And we no have any crew to speak of," continued Donald.
"That's easily got over," went on Rand. "There is Jack, Dick and you and I for the crew, with Gerald for coxswain."
"And where do I come in,cheap chanel bags?" questioned Pepper.
"You don't come in," answered Gerald. "You stand on the bank and root for us."
"Root!" cried Pepper; "what do you think I am--a pig?"
"That reminds me--" broke in Dick.
"No it don't," objected Donald; "we have no time to listen to your anecdotes."
"Do you think we have any chance against them?" asked Jack.
"I would no say we had no chance," replied Donald; "but, in my opinion, 'tis no much to brag about."
"That reminds me--" began Dick once more.
"What, against?" said Donald.
"Oh, let him get it off his mind," advised Jack. "What does it remind you of?"
"It reminds me of the hunter that came over here from New York last fall and met old Uncle Zac Williams back in the country and asked him if there was any hunting around here.
"'Plenty of it," said Uncle Zac.
"'Where is the best place to go?' asked the hunter,cheap moncler clerance.
"'Oh, mos' anywhere,' said Uncle Zac; 'yo' can't miss hit.'
"So the hunter went on, and that night as he was going home he met Uncle Zac again.
"'Hello!' he said, 'ain't you the man that told me there was plenty of hunting around here?'
"'I reckon I be,' replied Uncle Zac.
"'Well, I've hunted all around here and I haven't seen the first thing to shoot.'
"'Waal, ther wasn't nothin' ther matter with ther huntin' was ther?' said Uncle Zac."
"All right," said Donald, when Dick had finished, "we'll forgive you this time, but don't let it happen again."
The boys were in their club room in the attic of Mr. Scott's house, which had been given over to Rand's use. By one of the windows was the instruments of a wireless station with which Rand and his chums had experimented, and scattered about the room were golf clubs, baseball bats and other implements and apparatus of boyish sports.
"It isn't a question of winning or losing," went on Rand. "There would not be any sport in it if we only went in when we thought we would win. We will do our best and if we lose we will cheer our loudest for the winners."
"That's the talk!" cried Jack. "We may not win success,chanel 2.55 bags, but we'll deserve it."
"Then," continued Rand, "we agree to accept the challenge of the Highpoints. How's this for a reply?"

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