Saturday, October 27, 2012

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"I have it!" suddenly ejaculated Rand.
"Of course you have," admitted Donald, "but do you know what it is?"
"I see I must speak by the book, as Hamlet says," laughed Rand. "I mean I know what it is."
"What is it, then?" demanded Donald.
"It is some kind of a token, I think," replied Rand, "but I will ask Uncle Floyd about it. He will sure know."
"I w-w-wonder if there are any more of them," stammered Pepper, looking along the road. "Yes, here is another one."
"Is it like this?" asked Rand.
"It looks very similar,chanel 2.55 bags," replied Pepper, still hunting about.
"Find any more?" called Donald.
"Not yet."
Nor were there any more found, although they looked long and carefully up and down the road for some time.
"What is the difference between them?" questioned Pepper, when they had finally given up the hunt and sat down by the side of the road to compare the two coins.
"Why, instead of a ship this one shows, on the one side, a man in a chest with a sword in one hand and a bag of money in the other, and around the edge are the words, 'I take the responsibility.' The other side has the wreck like the first one," concluded Rand after he had examined them.
"It's a very curious thing," he continued, handing the one coin back to Pepper.
"I don't see anything very curious about them," demurred Donald.
"I mean it is very curious how they got here," explained Rand.
"I don't see anything very curious about that, either," went on Donald. "Why shouldn't they be here as well as anywhere?"
"I don't know, I am sure," laughed Rand, "only I don't see why they should be here, or anywhere, for that matter."
"Oh, I don't know," replied Donald. "Somebody probably dropped them as they were going along."
"Undoubtedly," agreed Rand. "I don't believe that they grew here. But who dropped them and how did they happen along here?"
"Ask Jack," suggested Donald, "he'll make a whole story out of it."
"They certainly are not common," went on Rand, "and people don't usually carry them in their pockets. I'd like to know the history of these and how they came here, but I don't suppose I ever shall. But, speaking of curious things, what do you suppose Monkey Rae was doing with that horse and wagon?"
"Driving them," drawled Pepper. "What do you think he was doing with them, using them for an aeroplane?"
"No," returned Rand, "I thought maybe he was using them to dredge for clams. But, speaking of clams, which would you sooner do or go a-fishing?"
"Go a-fishing!" cried Donald and Pepper, starting off on a run down the hill to the boat-house.
"Well," began Pepper as soon as they were fairly inside the house, "didn't I hear somebody say breakfast?" at the same time starting to get out of the locker the various utensils that the boys kept at the house to cook with on their fishing trips.
"Hold on there,cheap jordans, Pepper," remonstrated Donald, as Pepper continued to pull out one pan after another,chanel bags cheap. "We don't need ail that stuff. What do you think you are going to do, get up a banquet? If you are going to use ail those pots and pans, son, you will have to wash them by your lonesome."

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