Tuesday, November 6, 2012


  "Oh,replica chanel handbags, Bugs--Mr. Butler is one of the boxers in this fight that my brotheris interested in?""That's right. He's going up against the lightweight champ. Lew Lucasis the lightweight champ. He's a bird!""Yes?" said Sally. This youth had a way of looking at her with his headcocked on one side as though he expected her to say something.
  "Yes, sir!" said the stripling with emphasis. "Lew Lucas is a hotsketch. He used to live on the next street to me," he added as clinchingevidence of his hero's prowess. "I've seen his old mother as close as Iam to you. Say,chanel wallet, I seen her a hundred times. Is any stiff of a BugsButler going to lick a fellow like that?""It doesn't seem likely.""You spoke it!" said the lad crisply, striking unsuccessfully at a flywhich had settled on the blotting-paper.
  There was a pause. Sally started to rise.
  "And there's another thing," said the office-boy, loath to close thesubject. "Can Bugs Butler make a hundred and thirty-five ringsidewithout being weak?""It sounds awfully difficult.""They say he's clever." The expert laughed satirically. "Well, what'sthat going to get him? The poor fish can't punch a hole in anut-sundae.""You don't seem to like Mr. Butler.""Oh, I've nothing against him," said the office-boy magnanimously,adidas jeremy scott.
  "I'm only saying he's no licence to be mixing it with Lew Lucas."Sally got up. Absorbing as this chat on current form was, moreimportant matters claimed her attention.
  "How shall I find my brother when I get to White Plains?" she asked.
  "Oh, anybody'll show you the way to the training-camp. If you hurry,there's a train you can make now.""Thank you very much.""You're welcome."He opened the door for her with an old-world politeness which disuse hadrendered a little rusty: then, with an air of getting back to businessafter a pleasant but frivolous interlude, he took up the paper-weightsonce more and placed the ruler with nice care on his upturned chin.
  Fillmore heaved a sigh of relief and began to sidle from the room. Itwas a large room, half barn, half gymnasium. Athletic appliances ofvarious kinds hung on the walls and in the middle there was a wideroped-off space,Cheap Adidas Jeremy Scott Big Tongue Shoes, around which a small crowd had distributed itself withan air of expectancy. This is a commercial age, and the days when aprominent pugilist's training activities used to be hidden from thepublic gaze are over. To-day, if the public can lay its hands on fiftycents, it may come and gaze its fill. This afternoon, plutocrats to thenumber of about forty had assembled, though not all of these, to theregret of Mr. Lester Burrowes, the manager of the eminent Bugs Butler,had parted with solid coin. Many of those present were newspaperrepresentatives and on the free list--writers who would polish up Mr.
  Butler's somewhat crude prognostications as to what he proposed to do toMr. Lew Lucas, and would report him as saying, "I am in really superbcondition and feel little apprehension of the issue," and artists whowould depict him in a state of semi-nudity with feet several sizes toolarge for any man.
  The reason for Fillmore's relief was that Mr. Burrowes, who was a greattalker and had buttonholed him a quarter of an hour ago, had at last hadhis attention distracted elsewhere, and had gone off to investigatesome matter that called for his personal handling, leaving Fillmore freeto slide away to the hotel and get a bite to eat, which he sorelyneeded. The zeal which had brought him to the training-camp to inspectthe final day of Mr. Butler's preparation--for the fight was to takeplace on the morrow--had been so great that he had omitted to lunchbefore leaving New York.

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