Wednesday, November 21, 2012

I just know

"I just know."
"Are you omniscient?"
"What does that mean?"
"It means, young man, that we're going to eat where I want to eat for once."
"Yes," she said, looking forward to a cup of coffee more than she had in a long time.
* * *
Garrett knocked at the front door of their motel room promptly at nine, and Kevin raced to the door to answer it.
"Are you two ready?" he asked.
"We sure are," Kevin answered quickly. "My test is over there. Let me get it for you."
He skipped over to the table as Theresa rose from the bed and gave Garrett a quick kiss good morning,imitation rolex watches.
"How was your morning?" he asked.
"It already seems like afternoon. Kevin got me up at the crack of dawn to take the test."
Garrett smiled as Kevin returned with his test.
"Here it is, Mr. Blake. Garrett, I mean."
Garrett took it and began to look through his answers.
"My mom had some trouble with a couple, but I helped her out," Kevin went on, and Theresa rolled her eyes. "Ready to go, Mom?"
"Whenever you are," she said, picking up the room key and her purse.
"Then c'mon," Kevin said, leading the way down the hall, toward Garrett's truck.
* * *
Throughout the morning and early afternoon, Garrett taught them the basics of scuba diving,ladies rolex datejusts. They learned how the equipment worked, how to put it on and test it, and finally how to breathe through the mouthpiece, first on the side of the pool, then underwater. "The most important thing to remember," Garrett explained, "is to breathe normally. Don't hold your breath, don't breathe too quickly or slowly. Just let it come naturally." Of course, nothing seemed natural about it to Theresa, and she ended up having more trouble with it than Kevin. Kevin, always the adventurer, thought that after a few minutes underwater he knew all there was to know.
"This is easy," he said to Garrett. "I think I'll be ready for the ocean this afternoon."
"I'm sure you would, but we still have to do the lessons in the proper order."
"How's Mom doing?"
"As good as me?"
"You're both doing great," he said, and Kevin put the mouthpiece back in. He went back underwater just as Theresa came up and took out her mouthpiece.
"It feels funny when I breathe," she said.
"You're doing fine. Just relax and breathe normally."
"That's what you said the last time I came up gagging."
"The rules haven't changed in the last few minutes, Theresa."
"I know that. I just wonder if something isn't wrong with my tank."
"The tank is fine. I double-checked it this morning."
"But you're not the one using it, are you?"
"Would you like me to test it out?"
"No," she muttered, squinting in frustration, "I'll manage." Underwater she went again.
Kevin popped up and took his mouthpiece out again,Link. "Is Mom okay? I saw her come up."
"She's fine. Just getting used to it, like you are."
"Good. I'd feel really bad if I got my certification and she didn't."
"Don't you worry about that. Just keep practicing,rolex submariner replica watches."
And so it went.
After a few hours in the water, both Kevin and Theresa were tired. They had lunch, and once again Garrett told his diving stories, this time for Kevin's benefit. Kevin asked what seemed like a hundred wide-eyed questions. Garrett answered each one patiently, and Theresa was relieved at how well they seemed to get along.

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