Tuesday, November 6, 2012

  When Dexter's won the final for the cricket cup in the summer term oftwo years back

  When Dexter's won the final for the cricket cup in the summer term oftwo years back, the match lasted four afternoons--four solid afternoonsof glorious, up-and-down cricket. Mr Dexter did not see a single ball ofthat match bowled. He was prowling in sequestered lanes and broken-downbarns out of bounds on the off-chance that he might catch some member ofhis house smoking there. As if the whole of the house, from the head tothe smallest fag, were not on the field watching Day's best bats collapsebefore Henderson's bowling, and Moriarty hit up that marvellous andunexpected fifty-three at the end of the second innings!
  That sort of thing definitely stamps a master.
  "What do you want to see O'Hara about?" asked Clowes.
  "He's got my little gold bat. I lent it him in the holidays,jeremy scott adidas 2012."A remark which needs a footnote. The bat referred to was made of gold,and was about an inch long by an eighth broad. It had come intoexistence some ten years previously, in the following manner. Theinter-house cricket cup at Wrykyn had originally been a rathertarnished and unimpressive vessel, whose only merit consisted in thefact that it was of silver. Ten years ago an Old Wrykinian,http://www.fakeuggsforsales.com/, suddenlyreflecting that it would not be a bad idea to do something for theschool in a small way, hied him to the nearest jeweller's and purchasedanother silver cup, vast withal and cunningly decorated with filigreework, and standing on a massive ebony plinth, round which were littlesilver lozenges just big enough to hold the name of the winning houseand the year of grace. This he presented with his blessing to becompeted for by the dozen houses that made up the school of Wrykyn, andit was formally established as the house cricket cup. The question nowarose: what was to be done with the other cup? The School House, whohappened to be the holders at the time, suggested disinterestedly thatit should become the property of the house which had won it last,cheap chanel bags. "Notso," replied the Field Sports Committee, "but far otherwise. We willhave it melted down in a fiery furnace, and thereafter fashioned intoeleven little silver bats. And these little silver bats shall be theguerdon of the eleven members of the winning team, to have and to holdfor the space of one year, unless, by winning the cup twice insuccession, they gain the right of keeping the bat for yet anotheryear. How is that, umpire?" And the authorities replied, "O men ofinfinite resource and sagacity, verily is it a cold day when _you_get left behind. Forge ahead." But, when they had forged ahead, behold,jeremy scott adidas wings!
  it would not run to eleven little silver bats, but only to ten littlesilver bats. Thereupon the headmaster, a man liberal with his cash,caused an eleventh little bat to be fashioned--for the captain of thewinning team to have and to hold in the manner aforesaid. And, tosingle it out from the others, it was wrought, not of silver, but ofgold. And so it came to pass that at the time of our story Trevor wasin possession of the little gold bat, because Donaldson's had won thecup in the previous summer, and he had captained them--and,incidentally, had scored seventy-five without a mistake.

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